Amblyopia Treatment

Amblyopia Treatment — Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

Amblyopia, often referred to as "lazy eye," is a common eye disorder that can affect both children and adults. While it might sound harmless, Amblyopia can have a significant impact on one's vision if left untreated. Here, we'll explore the causes, diagnosis, and latest treatments for Amblyopia.

What Is a Lazy Eye?

Amblyopia, commonly referred to as a "lazy eye," is a vision disorder that typically begins during childhood. Amblyopia occurs when one eye doesn't develop normal visual acuity, leading to reduced vision in that eye.

How Does Lazy Eye Develop?

Amblyopia typically originates from a problem with eye coordination or alignment. The brain receives fewer visual signals from the affected eye, causing it to rely more on the healthier eye for visual input. Over time, this imbalance in visual input results in the brain favouring the stronger eye, while the weaker eye's vision deteriorates.

Why Early Detection Matters

With amblyopia, treatment should be started as early as possible. Over time, an untreated amblyopic "lazy eye" could lead to vision loss. With that said, new strides have been made with amblyopia treatment for adults in 2023. Through advanced laser eye surgery and Neurovision™ brain training, thousands of patients have discovered clear vision.

What Causes Lazy eye?

Several factors can contribute to the development of lazy eye, including anything that restricts vision or causes the eyes to cross or turn outward. Common causes of this condition include:
  1. Strabismic Amblyopia (Misaligned Eyes Due to Muscle Imbalance)

    This occurs when a muscle imbalance causes the eyes to be misaligned, causing double vision. The brain suppresses the visual input from the misaligned eye, leading to the development of a lazy eye.
  2. Refractive Amblyopia (Difference in Prescription Between Each Eye)

    Unequal refractive errors in the eyes, such as one eye having significantly more nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism than the other, can lead to this type of Amblyopia.
  3. Deprivation Amblyopia (Lazy Eye Due To Obstructed Vision)

    This is the rarest form and happens when something obstructs or blurs the vision in one eye during the critical early childhood developmental period. This could be due to congenital cataracts or other eye conditions.
Understanding these causes is the first step in identifying potential symptoms and seeking timely medical attention.

What Are the Symptoms of Lazy Eye?

Amblyopia doesn't happen overnight; it's a condition that develops over time. Therefore, recognising the signs of Amblyopia is vital for early intervention. It's crucial to be aware of common indicators such as:
  • Reduced Vision

    The most noticeable symptom is decreased vision in one eye.
  • Eye Misalignment

    Strabismus, or crossed eyes, often accompanies amblyopia. One eye may turn inward or outward, leading to poor eye coordination.
  • Depth Perception Issues

    Amblyopia can affect depth perception, making activities like catching a ball or judging distances challenging.
  • Difficulty with Fine Motor Skills

    People with amblyopia might struggle with tasks that require hand-eye coordination, such as colouring or threading a needle.
  • Preferential Eye Use

    You or your child may prefer using one eye over the other for activities like reading, watching TV, or playing games.
  • Eye Fatigue and Strain

    Amblyopic eyes can tire quickly, leading to discomfort or headaches during visual tasks.
  • Squinting or Closing One Eye

    To compensate for the blurred vision, someone with a lazy eye might unconsciously squint or close the affected eye.
Remember that these symptoms can vary in severity, and not everyone will exhibit all of them. If you notice any of these signs in yourself or your child, seeking professional help is essential for an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

What Are the Treatments for Amblyopia?

The good news is that Amblyopia, often referred to as "lazy eye," is treatable, especially when detected early. Effective treatment approaches aim to strengthen and enhance the vision in the weaker eye, encouraging it to work in tandem with the stronger eye. From traditional approaches like patching and eye drops to cutting-edge vision correction, it's fully possible to improve vision as a lasting cure for lazy eye. Let's explore these treatment options in detail:
  1. Patching Therapy — to block the vision of the stronger eye.

    This therapy involves covering the stronger eye with an eye patch for a specified duration each day. This forces the weaker eye to work harder, gradually improving its visual acuity. The duration and frequency of patching depend on the severity of the condition and your eye specialist's recommendations.
  2. Atropine Eye Drops — drops to blur the stronger eye.

    These drops temporarily blur the vision in the stronger eye, encouraging the weaker eye to become more active. This treatment is often preferred for children who find patching uncomfortable or inconvenient.
  3. Bangerter Filters — special filters on glasses lens of the stronger eye.

    Bangerter filters are filters placed on the eyeglass lens of the stronger eye to blur its vision. This method is often used in conjunction with a stronger prescription in the weaker eye, promoting balanced visual development.
  4. Vision Therapy — prescribed eye exercises.

    Vision therapy, conducted under the guidance of an optometrist or vision therapist, involves a series of eye exercises and activities designed to improve visual skills. It can be especially helpful in cases where Amblyopia is associated with eye movement or focusing issues.
  5. Surgery — to treat exacerbating conditions.

    Surgical interventions, such as strabismus surgery to correct misaligned eyes or cataract removal, may be necessary to address underlying issues contributing to Amblyopia.
  6. Laser Eye Surgery — to correct underlying visual defect.

    Only available at clinics with advanced technology and experience to be able to treat the complex prescriptions that often come with amblyopia.
  7. Neurovision™ Therapy — computer-based programmes to train the brain.

    Discover more about about this new therapy for amblyopia in adults, available at AccuVision, further down this page.
It's important to remember that treatment outcomes can vary based on factors like the age of the individual, the severity of amblyopia, and how early the condition is detected. Regular eye examinations, especially for children, are crucial for early diagnosis and intervention. Your eye care professional will work closely with you or your child to determine the most suitable treatment plan, ensuring the best path towards clearer eyesight.

Latest Amblyopia Surgery in UK

In 2023, innovative techniques and procedures provide new possibilities for the treatment of lazy eye, restoring clarity to those dealing with this condition. For instance, it's a common myth that it's not possible to perform laser eye surgery as an operation for lazy eye. As a new treatment for amblyopia in adults, LASIK works in conjunction with other therapies such as Neurovision™ to offer a lasting cure for lazy eye. Explore the unique strategy at AccuVision that has restored pristine vision in countless amblyopia patients.

Amblyopia (Lazy Eye) Treatment at AccuVision

Often our first step for Amblyopia treatment in adults is to first correct the underlying visual defect.
  • In many cases this is because of a large difference in prescription between the two eyes, often with the good eye having no prescription at all.
  • We find that while glasses and contact lenses correct the vision the best they can when worn, tolerance for full prescriptions and the intermittent nature of visual aids can limit the ability of the brain to respond to neural conditioning.
  • It is a common myth that it is not possible to perform laser eye surgery for “lazy eye”.
  • The limitations of many high street clinic technologies mean that most of the high and complex prescriptions causing Amblyopia are not treatable with some lasers. Our advanced technology and experience means we can treat many of these problems with laser vision correction and help you attain better vision.
  • In some cases, where the lazy eye is caused by a squint or turn in the eye, muscle surgery or other forms of treatment may be recommended.
The second step, when clinically suitable, is to start a Neurovision™ training programme.

Neurovision™ – Vision therapy for Amblyopia

Neurovision™ treatment involves a clinically proven, non-surgical treatment for Amblyopia (Lazy Eye), a condition in which there is reduced best-corrected spectacle vision (i.e. when you are wearing your glasses or lenses) in one or both eyes. It uses a series of computer-based interactive programmes to train the brain to see sharper.

How Does Neurovision™ for Amblyopia Treatment Work?

At your consultation, you will receive a comprehensive eye examination, looking at various aspects of your vision and eye health. Once we know all about your history and type of Amblyopia, our experienced team can guide you on suitability and best treatment plan. Neurovision™ training programme doesn't involve surgery or medication.

Is Neurovision™ for Amblyopia Treatment Right for Me?

The Neurovision™ treatment is suitable for a wide range of people. Suitability for the treatment depends on the type and density of the Amblyopia, as well as other underlying eye health factors. Our experienced clinical team will need to perform a number of screening and baseline measurements and tests to confirm whether you are a good candidate and likely to benefit from the treatment plan.

Frequently Asked Questions

What causes amblyopia?
Amblyopia is primarily caused by abnormal visual experiences during early childhood. These experiences can disrupt the nerve pathways between the retina and the brain. Common triggers include strabismus (eye misalignment), significant refractive differences between the eyes, and conditions that obstruct or blur vision during critical developmental stages.
Can amblyopia be corrected?
Yes, amblyopia is treatable, especially when detected early. Various methods, from patching and eye drops to advanced surgeries and emerging treatments, can significantly improve vision in the affected eye. Early intervention offers the best chances of correction, however, amblyopia treatment for adults in 2023 is fully achievable.
Is amblyopia a serious problem?
Amblyopia should be taken seriously, especially if left untreated. It can lead to permanent vision impairment in the affected eye. However, with timely and appropriate treatment, many individuals experience significant vision improvement.
What is the best treatment for amblyopia?
The best treatment for amblyopia depends on the individual’s specific case and its underlying cause. Traditional treatments include patching, atropine eye drops, corrective lenses, vision therapy, and surgery for certain cases. Specialised laser eye surgery to correct the underlying visual defect and Neurovision™ in clinically suitable patients is a new and clinically-proven, lasting treatment for amblyopia in adults.
How to fix a lazy eye?
Fixing a lazy eye, medically known as amblyopia, often involves a multifaceted approach tailored to the individual’s specific condition. At AccuVision, we prioritise correcting the underlying visual defect, which is frequently characterised by a substantial difference in prescription between the two eyes. While glasses and contact lenses can provide vision correction, they may have limitations when it comes to promoting neural conditioning. Contrary to a common misconception, it is possible to consider laser vision correction for individuals with a lazy eye, depending on clinical suitability. At AccuVision, our advanced technology and expertise allow us to address many high and complex prescriptions contributing to amblyopia. This can significantly enhance your visual acuity and overall quality of life. In cases where a lazy eye results from a squint or eye turn, muscle surgery or alternative treatments may be recommended. These interventions aim to correct eye alignment and facilitate better visual coordination. The next step, if clinically suitable, involves initiating a Neurovision™ training program. Neurovision™ is a proven non-surgical treatment for amblyopia that focuses on enhancing best-corrected spectacle vision in one or both eyes. This program employs a series of interactive computer-based exercises designed to train the brain to perceive sharper images.
Can a lazy eye be prevented?
Preventing a lazy eye often involves addressing its underlying causes, such as strabismus or significant refractive errors, as early as possible. Regular eye examinations for children can help identify and address these issues promptly. Timely treatment can prevent or mitigate the development of amblyopia.
How effective is the amblyopia treatment?
Once we know more about your type of Amblyopia we can guide on expectations for your vision and improvement. The average improvement for patients found suitable for treatment is more than 2 lines on the eye letter chart.
Are there any risks involved in lazy eye treatment?
With correct patient selection, there are no known risks, side effects or complications resulting from Neurovision™ for Amblyopia as it doesn’t involve surgery or medication.
How long does the Amblyopia (Lazy Eye) treatment at AccuVision take?
The Amblyopia (lazy eye) treatment is usually around 30 minutes a session, completed at home 3 times a week, with a total of 30-50 sessions. It will take approximately 3 months to finish the Neurovision™ treatment and you are monitored by us in clinic at various stages on your journey.
Spoiler title
You may start to notice a visual improvement in as little as 2 weeks.
What are the costs of amblyopia treatment?
Initial consultation £250. Treatment package costs are available and depend on your tailored plan, you can discuss your vision and history with one of our Clinical Team who will then be able to guide on costs.

Talk to us, we can help.

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      Our dedicated and friendly staff is here to assist you with any questions to ensure you're on the fast track to visual freedom.

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      Invest in your visual future
      Wavefront LASIK Vision Correction
      Summer Offer!
      JUST£1200*per eye
      *Usual price £1800 per eye | *T’s & C’s apply
      Fill in the contact form or call us today to arrange a complimentary screening consultation. Quote “Summer Offer!” when making your enquiry.
      *See T’s & C’s below.

        I agree with terms of use and privacy policy

        The information you have provided may be held on our database. It will not be sold to any third party. Our privacy policy which we are obliged to give you under the GDPR is available here.

        Terms & Conditions
        Offer price of £1200 per eye is valid for:
        • WaveFront Optimised Surgery for both eyes. Offer does not apply to a single eye treatment.
        • Myopic prescriptions under -3.50 dioptres only. Prescriptions with other additional conditions/variations may not be eligible and are subject to a detailed evaluation.
        • Prescriptions outside the eligible range are always competitively priced.
        • This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.
        • There are no cash alternatives to this offer.
        • All eye surgical procedures carry a level of risk including not obtaining the desired outcomes through to varying levels of visual loss. Your eye surgeon will discuss the risks and benefits including ones specific to your circumstances at the time of your preoperative consultation.
        • AccuVision reserve the right to change or withdraw this offer.